The A6818– devices combine a 32-bit CMOS shift register, accompanying data latches and control circuitry with bipolar sourcing outputs and pnp active pull downs. Designed primarily to drive vacuum fluorescent displays, the 60 V and -40 mA output ratings also allow these devices to be used in many other peripheral power driver applications. The A6818– features an increased data input rate (compared with the older UCN/UCQ5818–F) and a controlled output slew rate.
■ Controlled Output Slew Rate
■ High-Speed Data Storage
■ 60 V Minimum Output Breakdown
■ High Data Input Rate
■ PNP Active Pull-Downs
■ Low Output-Saturation Voltages
■ Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches
■ Improved Replacements for SN75518N, SN75518NF, UCN5818–, and UCQ5818–