- 1 Arduino Mega 2560 R3
- 1 LCD Display 2 lines x 16 characters
- 1 LED matrix 8 * 8
- 1 RFID module RC522
- 1 RFID card
- 1 RFID key
- 1 servomotor
- 1 Motor module
- 1 stepper Motor
- 1 joystick module – Joystick
- 1 relay module
- 1 PIR sensor module
- 1 Gas Sensor Module
- ADXL345 3-Axis Accelerometer Module
- 1 HC-SR04 Ultra-sonic Proximity Sensor
- 1 DS3231 Real-Time Relay Module
- 1 DHT11 Wet Temperature Sensor Module
- 1 humidity sensor module only
- 1 chama sensor
- 1 LM35 temperature sensor
- 1 infravermelho receiver
- 1 infravermelho remote control
- 2 inclination sensors or ball damper (inclination)
- 5 azuis LEDs
- 5 green LEDs
- 5 yellow LEDs
- 8 resistors of 220 ohms
- 5 resistors of 10 Kohms
- 5 resistors of 1 Kohms
- 1 potentiometer of 10 Kohms
- 1 buzzer active
- 1 passive buzzer
- 4 pressure buttons
- 3 photoresistors LDR
- 1 integrated circuit 74HC595N
- 1 x 7-segment LED display
- 1 x 4-digit LED Display with 7 segments
- 1 x pine pin
- 1 card – board or breadboard – 840 contacts
- 10 female Dupont cables and another free end
- 30 Dupont type male cables
- 1 compartment for 6 AA batteries
- 1 USB connection